
When You Don’t Get the Miracle You Wanted

July 10, 2017

Inside: You prayed and bargained and pleaded, but the person wasn’t healed, the heart was not changed. What does it mean when you don’t get the miracle you wanted? I remember attending a dinner party with Arman (not his real name). Arman had emigrated from Iran in the 1970s and had come to know the… read more »

Water into Wine: When You Want to Change for Good

July 3, 2017

Inside: Today in our series about miracles, we look at the miracle of change. If Jesus can change water into wine, what can He change in our lives? It was a Sunday morning, and I, along with people I love, settled in to watch a video of a gifted speaker. That day he expounded on… read more »

Waiting a Long Time for a Miracle? 3 Things to Do and Not Do

June 26, 2017

Inside: Have you been waiting a long time for a miracle? Sometimes it seems like God is never going to come through. Read on for 3 things to do and not to do while you wait. Have you been waiting a long time for a miracle? For a breakthrough in a relationship, healing from a disease, the… read more »

Desperate and Fearful? Brush Up Against Jesus

June 19, 2017

Inside: Have You Seen a Miracle? Maybe you need one. What we can learn from the desperate, fearful woman who was brave enough to touch the fringe of Jesus’ garment. In our series on miracles, I am skipping ahead, because I sense that someone out there needs to hear this today. Is it you? You… read more »

When You Really Need a Parting of the Red Sea

June 12, 2017

Inside: The parting of the Red Sea is one of the most epic miracles recorded in the Bible. What God did then, He still does today. What sea do you need God to part so you can walk through on dry land? Mike H./ The year was 1987, the era between thermoses and juice boxes,… read more »

Have You Seen a Miracle? When God Writes on Your Heart

June 5, 2017

Inside: Have you seen a miracle? Sometimes God takes our breath away and we stand, arms raised, amazed and humbled at what He has done. Join us as we look at miracles in the Bible and reflect on what they mean for our lives. Today we begin a series on miracles, and I cannot wait!… read more »

Don’t Be Fooled: Are You Standing on the Solid Rock?

May 29, 2017

The storm rolled in that day, the sky a brilliant turquoise and ominous dark blue, the wind blowing the clouds swiftly by. I took quick shelter as the torrential rain and hail pounded the land. Despite the list of home improvements brewing, I felt secure inside the walls of my house.

Why Marking the Moment Is Important and How to Do It

May 22, 2017

We mark moments such as birthdays, graduations, or the end of a sport season by celebrating with cake and ice cream or a pizza party. What if we thought beyond birthdays and graduations and considered marking moments of spiritual wonder and significance in our lives? Why marking the moment is important and how to do it…. read more »

The Best Way to Overcome the Grass Is Greener Syndrome

May 15, 2017

We might not fashion idols out of metal or stone, but we look to people, circumstances, or objects other than the Lord to fulfill our needs, and this leads to discontentment. How can we overcome the grass is greener syndrome? As we round the corner in the series Lead Me to the Rock, we take a hard… read more »

Is the Ground Shifting? Look to the Rock of My Salvation

May 8, 2017

You know that feeling when things are shifting and changing, and you can’t quite get a handle on it? One solution to feeling out of control is to use an approach called grounding. I’d like to add an important step to that popular approach. We’re in the middle of a series on rocks. For some reason… read more »

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